I live in Atlanta, Georgia, with my husband Jordan, and our 3 pets! We're both washed-up athletes and love being active, especially outdoors. We love coffee, camping, and playing video games/ board games (we're only *slightly* competitive). Jordan and I met while serving at our local church back in 2018 and got married in 2020.
Before the pandemic, Jordan and I were self-employed through worship, production, and writing opportunities. Individually, we've led worship at or helped produce hundreds of events across the US over the last 15 years and contributed writing to various ministry curriculums. Although we both still free-lance as much as possible, when churches and the event industry shut down in 2020, we were forced to seek other employment means. We are so grateful to be where we are now, but I am hopeful for a day when I can get back to leading worship, writing songs, teaching, and creating full-time.
Right now, I am serving as the Production & Resources Coordinator within the Programming & Training function of the Staff Development team at WinShape Camps. That mouthful means I work on a very small team that hosts 5 conference-style events for college students yearly and supplies them with resources like podcasts and study books. I write and project manage most of our content, help dream up on-stage programming for our events, and serve as the Production Director and Show-Caller during the events.
Outside of work, I serve on the worship team at Passion City Church. I've been part of that team for a decade now and have the privilege of jumping in on some Passion Music projects and events as well. I'm also part of the Passion Students teaching team, meaning I speak in our student environments occasionally on Sundays.
There’s only one thing I’ve ever been sure of: I am alive and breathing to help build and lead the Church. That’s at the heart of my every endeavor. Opportunities come and go, and methods change, but the call stays the same. That’s how I’ve found myself both on stage, and at front of house; at a desk in front of a blank page, and at a teaching table in front of students; in front of video camera, and in a recording studio. And honestly? I kind of like it that way. I’m just happy to be here.